Sometimes it’s good to change up your marketing game and implement strategies that bring the customers to you instead of chasing after them. Let’s take a closer look at the concept of 'Inbound Marketing' for instance; essentially a strategy that focuses on getting you found by the consumer instead of shoving information in their face when they least expect it.
Traditional or outbound marketing is opposite to this. Outbound marketing uses various techniques that are often targeted poorly and are interruptive by nature. It is also non-engaging in that consumers don’t have an opportunity to respond to your call to action. Technology is slowly forcing this outbound method of communication out the door, forcing marketers to switch to inbound strategies that help increase consumer engagement, moreover, it costs far less to adopt an inbound marketing strategy than an outbound one.
It’s about starting to earn a person’s attention and trust instead of trying to buy it – this is the core principle on which inbound marketing is based. You let your consumer chose to ‘like’ you based on the quality of your content and service.
For instance when it comes to payment options, you need to be able to choose the right system that will make the sales journey a smoother one for your customers. People don’t usually carry around a lot of cash these days and you could lose out by only offering traditional payment methods. Platforms such as CyberCom Pay now allow you to offer this convenience at a fraction of the cost it would have taken you if you had opted to purchase a standard credit card machine. CyberCom Pay essentially creates a mobile POS system out of your smartphone or tablet allowing you to accept credit or debit card payments at anytime, anywhere. This is as good a reason as any to have more customers walk through your door.
Inbound Marketing adds value and aims to create a positive connection with customers and potential buyers, without being intrusive, hereby increasing the chances of them engaging with your brand and ultimately driving your sales growth.