
Double your business, with payment services - now easier with your mobile data

October 15, 2014
Double your business with payment services - now easier with your mobile data
Successfully managing a business in the current information is a challenging task. Businesses must compete with not only the physically present competitors in one’s own country, but also with competitors offering products and services on the Internet. More and more consumers are now purchasing goods and services online, and also expect that every business will at least have information of their products online. Online transactions are seen as the height of comfort and ease, and more and...
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What your small business requires this summer

October 13, 2014
What your small business requires this summer
Summertime! The term in itself implies a sense of relaxation and laid back times – at least for the consumer. For businesses however, summer is the peak of operations. People have more time to buy and tend to do so – the thing is that summer also makes them move away from their usual dwellings – spend more time on the beach, go on vacation etc. The point is that if your consumers are going away to relax, you need to travel with them – making your business mobile so...
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