Here’s how you can decide what digital marketing events to attend

January 18, 2015
Here s how you can decide what digital marketing events to attend
Small businesses often rely on their existing resources for marketing and communications because advertising and digital marketing agencies are probably too high a cost to invest in. In a sense, this is in fact a good thing, since you have more direct control over your marketing activities, giving you the added benefit of specialization in the field of marketing communications as well. Moreover, digital media is fast becoming the most cost effective way to reach specific and mass audiences at...
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Poor networking skills limiting your business success? Here’s how you can boost them.

January 14, 2015
Poor networking skills limiting your business success Here s how you can boost them.
Networking is key to winning in the marketing game; your contacts enable you to get ahead in a crunch because you have made great connections along the way. The problem is that networking doesn’t come so easily to everyone. While some people can walk into a room and own it, others are more introverted and this shouldn’t be looked on as something negative. Every personality is different and in turn there are different ways of doing business. We do stress though that networking is...
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Top five characteristics of a prosperous entrepreneur

January 11, 2015
Top five characteristics of a prosperous entrepreneur
The twenty first century: this is the age of the entrepreneur. Those who embark and thrive on entrepreneurial ventures are those who have key characteristics that set them apart from the rest. Here are a few key traits that we have identified in the most successful of them, be it a small business venture or a large conglomerate:They do what they love and love what they do. Entrepreneurs are people who understand that success will never come from doing things that they...
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Top seven branding blunders that your business should bypass.

January 04, 2015
Top seven branding blunders that your business should bypass.
We tend to get over-enthusiastic about our branding sometimes as small business owners and at times maybe make some blunders in the process. Ideally a brand should have planned and tested out the branding just as much as what the brand is selling before embarking on launching. Here are some typical blunders that businesses tend to make when they have a top notch product or service and attempt to market it either inadvertently or unknowingly:1. Sometimes the brand name has no relevance to the...
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Five efficient tips to invoicing your customers

January 04, 2015
Five efficient tips to invoicing your customers
The advantage of running a small business comes with the understanding that you are small enough to be flexible and as such run on minimal processes. You focus on the quality of your business offering vs. the multiple, bureaucratic systems that larger enterprises run on. This doesn’t mean however that you run in the midst of chaos, some systems such as invoicing and other basic paperwork are essential so that you can keep track of your expenditure and income. Here are a few tips on how to...
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